Daphne was abandoned by someone and found in Santa Cruz in a park she was picked up by SC Animal control and taken to a makeshift shelter they used at that time (years ago) She was living a small sierra hutch OUTSIDE in the back yard of this clinic - the top could easily open and she was so cold and scared. Gloria and Auntie Heather took one look and picked her up- she was rescued. The Rabbit Haven had put notices in the local paper and kind Lahnie replied so Daphne's luck was to end up with Lahnie as a foster site. Lahnie's loving family took her in and provided all the support she needed She became calm and even sweeter in her care- the family fell in love. Daphne (the white Polish) lost her best friend & Thumper had become homeless. The rest is history--they are now inseparable! All is well Love to Lahnie and family - What a lucky girl Daphne!