It is no longer a matter of If, but when a disaster will occur. Please keep your pets in mind as you make plans for a disaster. Sometimes you will have Very little notice to get ready and leave your home. If you don’t have a disaster plan already, now is the time to make one. Below are some tips to help you prepare. Your little ones are counting on you.
First for you..
Know your exit routes from your home so you can best evacuate safely
Keep you cell phone handy and charged. An extra phone changer is useful -
Prepare a go bag* for you with important papers and essentials –
Keep in truck of car or in hall closet for ease of access.
Have extra set of house and car keys in your go pack. For your animal companions.
*Call us if you want to know contents of a go bag for you
Basics to prepare for your companion animals
Ensure that your pets are microchipped. Keep your contact information up-to-date with the microchip company. Call your vet to obtain your microchip number ASAP. Write that down and keep with important documents.
Take photo of each animal in your care today! Save images on your phone and print out a copy for your kit.
Post window of your home with Emergency Alert decal so fire and emergency workers will know there may be pets in side -
Plan a safe place to stay if you are evacuated. Not all hotels allow pets. Make a plan with friends or relatives, or research which nearby hotels are pet friendly. Plan for a nearby city. If you are evacuated local places will also be shut.
Plan for the evacuation of your animals if disaster strikes and you are not home. Designate a trusted caregiver(s), preferably people who live close to you. Make sure that person has a set of your keys. This way they can retrieve your pet and move them to safety. Do not assume- ask and obtain their agreement to help your pets.
Put together a disaster kit. This kit should contain:
4 – 7 day supply of food and bottled water, including bowls.
At least a 2 week supply of any medications, plus medical records, stored in a waterproof container.
Carrier(s) so you can easily transport your pet to a safe location. Blankets and towels inside the carrier will help keep your pet comfortable. You can always get a cardboard folding carrier (s) which fold float and you can keep these in your trunk. Larger plastic carriers are very helpful if you have to evacuate as the animals may need to be with you in a small space for some time.
Litter box, litter and garbage bag, pee pads, floor cover and pen. Or you may use pee pads.
Water bottle (just in case so they may drink in their carriers with less spill)
Current photos and descriptions of your pets. If you become separated, this will help rescue workers find your animals.
If you evacuate, take your pet. It’s impossible to know how long you’ll be away from home; assume you won’t be allowed to return for several weeks, even if you’re told it will only be a day. Pets left behind in a disaster can be easily injured, killed, or lost. Don’t wait for a mandatory evacuation order – leaving before will reduce stress and help everyone stay safe.
Please understand that the animal is defenseless without your help in a disaster, especially if they are locked in the house or in pens.
Need to evacuate and need placement for your animals. Contact your local shelter number, VCA, and the Rabbit Haven for access info – Check Facebook for update and information regarding resources available to you and your companions.